
Opposing Changes to the Constitution, Letter 2

To: Turkish Media, Organizations for Secular Turkey, Political Parties I.) Dünyadaki anayasa kavramını ve tecrübesini hukuksal, politik, sosyolojik ve tarihsel olarak detaylı bir şekilde tartışan üyelerimiz anayasa metinlerinin özünün evrensel değerlerden oluştuğu, bu evrensel değerlerin her ulusun demokrasi, adalet, bağımsızlık mücadelesi ile şekillenerek o ulusun KURUCU İRADESİ tarafından yaşama geçirildiği konusunda görüş birliğine varmıştır. II.) Türkiye’nin kurucu iradesi binlerce yıldır Anadolu topraklarında...

Second Letter to the Prime Minister

To: Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Prime Minister of Turkey Dear Prime Minister: I wrote my first letter to you on April 17 2009, emphasizing that Turkey is being alarmingly polarized; varied methods of pressure, fear, intimidation, and suppression politics implemented against critics of your government are used; that many intellectuals, journalists, and writers are detained, and that this situation is eliminating social and...

Open Letter To Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan

To: Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Prime Minister of Turkey As a political scientist and German parliamentarian of Turkish origin, I found the need to write this open letter to you to express my deep concern for the developments in our beautiful country, Turkey. I hope that it will be seriously considered! My Dear Prime Minister: I can’t say I was pleased when you won...

Letter To President Obama: Turkey In An Arena Of Trials

To: Barack H. Obama, President of the United States Dear Mr. President: I write this letter to you, Mr. President, with my highest and warmest regards, best wishes, and my hope for a better, more just world. I have fond memories of this particular day, 20 January, your day of inauguration as president. Forty-eight years ago—six months before you were born—I, along...

Letter to EU

To: Member of the Foreign Relations Committee of the European Parliament Honorable Member of the Foreign Relations Committee of the European Parliament: The Atatürk Society of America (ASA) noted in the media a report regarding Turkey's EU membership, which will be considered by your Commitee today. I am instructed by the ASA Executive Board to draw your attention to unintended but disastrous...

Letter to NY Times

To: New York Times Editor Dear New York Times Editor: The Op-ed article regarding Turkey in NYTimes’ today’s (June 6) edition finds the staunchly secular and democratic Turkish President’s veto on proposed amendment to the higher education statute undemocratic, and praises the Islamist Prime Minister’s initiative to promote religious education in the country. Following the Turkish media reports we found that not only...

Re: The article by Guy Chazan in the WSJ 4/24/2003 edition.

To: The Editor, Wall Street Journal G. Chazanís article Turkish Turnabout: Is the Army the Westís Enemy?î portrays the Atatürkist military and bureaucracy as a nationalist obstacle, and the religionist party in power as a chance for greater democracy and development in Turkey. This view seems to be consistent with the recent views of the EU and of the ìcompassionate conservatismî...

Letter to NY Times

To: New York Times Editor: Dear New York Times Editor: Emily Eakin reviewed Dr. Arnold Ludwig’s essay King of the Mountain in Arts Section of NYT on June 29, 2002. Although she quotes Dr. Ludwig as having said "the numbers reflect a leader’s impact on the world, not his personal virtue", she adds her personal misperceptions in presenting Dr. Ludwig’s essay. She...

Public Diplomacy and Terrorism

To: Rep. Henry Hyde, Chairman of the U.S. House International Relations Committee The September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and on the Pentagon were an eye opener. Firstly because of the extent of damage they caused, secondly because of the vulnerability of the best informed and equipped country in the world, and finally because of the extent...

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